Foto o' the Week

Foto o' the Week

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Some Guy Writing

Hey folks. I still dont know if there are folks. But, if you are reading this, then you are folks. So, I am technically writing to you. As always, its been a long time since my last entry. Time goes by so fast, its really quite ridiculous. I am getting almost to the last stage in Kyle Pardon's theory of stages involved with end-of-semester craziness. I dont remember what it is, but i remember it was funny. I have too much to do in too little time. Tennis is going now, (I would say 'full swing' if that werent so punny) it has been pretty frustrating. Can't hit a backhand to save my life. It just sucks. Woof. A few other other bits of info from la vida de Luke Helm: philosophy club, aka The Pub, is now up and running, meeting with some great guys and gals, working through stuff that normal people dont care about...yay philosophy majors. That whole side of my life is still coming around; I dont really know what to do with all that stuff. Suffice it to say that I am leaning towards Postmodernism. I am also dating a young lady. She's great. Like everything else in life that matters, I am scared by all that it could mean--positive and negative. Still am really worried about everything. Still wrestling with what it means to have faith, and what it means to have a relationship with God. Still worried to say what my relationship to the pretty girl means. Oh craziness. Anyways, staying in good spirits, and still learning. By the way, if you have read any of my earlier blogs, this is pretty different. They were pretty intense, and I enjoyed writing them out, because it helped me process stuff in my head. However, for now, I think I'm ok with just being some guy writing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah man, no matter if it's deep or not, full of "ums" and such, it is a reflection. God should be given all of the glory. As you can see from this post, I don't think about what i'm going to say before I type, I just speak my heart. I guess being a philosophy major requires you to speak and think that way. I used to worry about that, but God knows exactly on my heart, and even if someone who is reading my journaling words doesn't, that's ok, because God knows. A few posts ago, you asked if you would ever completely figure out faith. Although it would be nice, honestly I doubt it. Let me know if you ever come to a conclusion though. I'm getting baptized in 2 days, and I don't fully understand faith. I know that I have faith in God, that I'm giving my entire life to him, and walking hand-in-hand with him every day. I believe that faith is a constant battle every single day of our lives, and that it is going to take a good portion of my life to figure it out (that is if I do). This is all very intense. But one day, we will meet Him face to face, and he will answer all of our life's questions.