Foto o' the Week

Foto o' the Week

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sorrento: An introduction

Sorrento: An Introduction

This short story arises out of a number of experiences that I’ve had in the past few years. The setting—Italy, and then Detroit—are both locations that I’m familiar with; I’ve traveled to both at least twice in the past four years. The storyline comes as a dramatic retelling of a position that we read for our Philosophy of Religion class. The Obstinacy of Faith, by C.S. Lewis, served as the grounds for the conflict. The plot, as with all fiction, is not based on a point-by-point rendering of his philosophical approach—rather it is a loosely-based interpretation of “relational faith.” The conflict between the speaker and Marc, his roommate, represents the tension between those who have experienced the relationship and those who have not. The situation between the speaker and Annie represents the faith relationship—though it may not have been a relationship that C.S. Lewis would’ve been comfortable promoting. Still, I hope that he would be happy with the attempt, appreciating the fictional approach. I’ve found that fiction can be a helpful conduit in understanding situations that have not been experienced. In that sense, Sorrento is a defense of faith from a relational standpoint. I hope you enjoy it!

I'd suggest following the chapters numerically--not chronologically. I loaded the story in five parts. Start with part one. Or don't. Your call...

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