Foto o' the Week

Foto o' the Week

Friday, June 15, 2007

The Magyar

That's what they call it here: Magyar. I think. We arrived yesterday, and today was the longest day (after yesterday) that I've been a part of since...a while ago. "Hungary" as we say it, is "Magyar" in actual Hungary--I might have made that up, but I think it's true. We've had a few translation problems thus far, including the attempt to enter the Hungarian phrase "Scratch off here" as the password for our driving team's cell phones. (Ahh...the password was under the shiny letters...)
I spent about 15 of today's hours either driving, riding, or sitting by vans. I think the grammar is wrong there. Too bad. I'm here and I'll use bad grammar (missed comma) in lieu of exhaustion and a small case of the sniffles.
In any case, things are good here, and more importantly, things are here. We made it. Hello and much love to all back in the states. Peace.


1 comment:

Drh said...

Glad you guys got there safe. Keep us posted on how things are going. Tell the "crew" we're praying for all of you.