Foto o' the Week

Foto o' the Week

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

En Espana

I´m in Spain. I love Spain. I want to stay, but Paris is rude and won´t be kept waiting. And of course, Cambridge.

Much love and happiness and other things to my friends who have all gotten married. Jon, Amy, Nate, Jen: enjoy.

(They did not all marry each other. Jon married Amy, and Nate married Jen. But they are all living in a small town where no one else lives. Other than my Aunt Jan. Weird, all the way around.)

I cannot upload fotografias from here because this internet cafe uses a Windows platform that predated Gates himself. But take my word, we are all having a wonderful time.

Jen, Phillip, and I are in Madrid, having left Nathan, Annaleis and Megan behind in Barcelona. I am envious of their week(+) to explore this country. With any luck, I will be back. Pronto.

To Family: I will hopefully talk to you soon, but Europe keeps distracting me. I love you all.


Anonymous said...

:) good to hear you have a few good distractions. just wanted to say happy fourth! miss you, and can't wait to see you! love you and stay relatively safe. :)


Anonymous said...

And I'm glad that you're still alive and kickin. I sure wish i could be there too. HAVE A GREAT TIME. Tell Jen and Phil hey for us.
