Foto o' the Week

Foto o' the Week

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Failures of Truth

Today, I had an argument. Technically, it was yesterday (into the morning hours now). My friend and I were having a discussion, and I felt that I should point out something I felt needed to be discussed. Here, I made my first mistake. Conversations that are important enough to hurt someone, should warrant a face to face conversation. AIM does very little to help good communication. After conversing for a while, and failing to listen very well,(figurativly) we were discussing different things simultaneously, without realizing it. It was not until I reread the conversation that I saw where it went wrong. My friend had said something that I missed. I went on, my friend went in a different direction. Thinking that we were still talking apples to apples, I continued to prod. Now, for my second mistake. I very much believed that I was right. I still do. However, in my anxiousness to prove/pursuade my rightness, I overstepped my bounds. I ceased operating out of love. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that I began speaking out of a loving attitude. I felt I was right, but I did not bother to love my friend enough to say what needed to be said in a loving manner. Yet, if I needed to see something I was blind to, I would want someone to tell me in a loving manner. "Luke, Love your neighbor as you love your self. You know better."

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